Wednesday, August 31, 2016

As we head into day 2 of school, I'm very excited! Day 1 went GREAT!  The hardest part for me was transitioning from kindergarten to 5th grade.  I told the 5th graders to let me know if I started treating them like kindergartners!  I had the same talk with Mr. Johnson in 3rd grade this morning.  He said he was sure he talked to high school students (Me) as 1st graders because he worked with them all day.  We had a good laugh over that.
I walked around and met all the classes that I will miss due to the long weekend.  Everyone is very excited to come to STEM.  Next week we will be doing math using plastic cups, rubber bands, and string.  Better bring your teamwork hat!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Here we go!  In about 45 min. these hallways and pods will fill up with students ready for their first day of school 2016!  Teachers were in yesterday making last minute updates and fixing up their rooms.
I feel like it's my first day too! For me it's my first time in a classroom since December 2012 when I was getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan.  Boy...A lot has changed since then!  I'm excited to be the STEM teacher at Woodland.  Ready for learning and ready for FUN!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Messy Classroom....4 days until GO TIME!

WOW!  My classroom is a MESS!  It was very clean for a little while, but then I found out there was some science stuff all around the building.  I was able to find it and I'm bringing it to my room so it's close!

It's exciting moving into a new room in a new school.  I'm excited to start working with everyone!

There are TWO things in this picture that are out of the ordinary....can you see what they are?  Post in the comments if you figure it out!